Monday, July 13, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!!

Well I know it's been awhile, but like I said....busy, busy, busy!!!!!
In May Big Ray (aka Grandpa Regor), took Jason, Harbor, Jonathan and I to Florida to watch a shuttle launch, visit Kennedy Space Center and other various Floridian activities. We had a blast and everyone should try to see a launch once in their lifetime, it is fascinating!
Once we got home from Florida we went to Ruidoso, Albuquerque, and Farmington one weekend right after the other:) Lots of fun but very busy!!!
Rechelle was able to come back to good old NM for our cousins wedding and it was GRAND to have her here even for just a few days!!!! My little Adrianne also came for a visit and inspired me to finish my tattoo! (my parents thank you...haha)
Everything else is Harbor Harbor He has mastered rolling over, sitting up, eating solids and is going to crawl any day now...we find him rocking every time turn around and he is really "talking" now, especially when the food is not in the mouth fast enough!
Well that's us for now. We miss you all and hope the see you soon!!!!